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Resolutions for Thriving (And Surviving) With Chronic Conditions

New Year’s resolutions can feel like a tall order when you’re managing a chronic condition. While everyone else is busy vowing to run marathons or eat kale smoothies every morning, you might just be hoping to get through winter without a surprise flare-up. And that’s okay! Resolutions don’t have to be about pushing yourself to the limit—they can be about finding small ways to make life a little easier and a lot more joyful. Maybe your goal this year is as simple as finding the comfiest pajamas known to humankind or mastering the art of napping without guilt. Those are resolutions worth celebrating!

Instead of striving for a “new you,” focus on making your current life a little cozier and kinder. Resolutions can be about choosing to put yourself first, saying “no” when you need to rest, or finding little things that bring you joy—like discovering the perfect tea that feels like a warm hug. If your resolution is to finally remember to take all your meds on time, you’re already a superhero in my book. And if January 1st doesn’t go according to plan, don’t stress. You can hit the reset button in February… or June… or whenever life decides to cut you some slack. The only rule is to go easy on yourself, laugh at the little hiccups, and make room for the things that make you smile, no matter how small they might be.

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